Follow my roots to Arba Minch,
my hometown in the Rift Valley
510 km south of Addis Abeba.

On the terrace of the Bekele Mola hotel you’ll see the city’s charm. Stretched scenically below lies the Rift Valley and the waters of Lake Abaya and lake Chamo. A good place to view crocodiles is on the shore of lake Chamo at a place popularly referred to as the crocodile market.

The lake’s edge is good for spotting hippos in the late afternoon. An unusual attraction is the crocodile farm, where primaeval creatures are to be seen at close hand at various stages of growth. In the forest of Nechisar National Park you’ll find the bushbuck, the comical bushpig, troops of Anubis baboons and monkeys, the large kudu and the minuscule dik-dik.

These lakes are also very famous for bird watching.